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ETSI EN 301003-5-V1.1.3

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN); Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2) protocol; Connection characteristics; Peak cell rate modification by the connection owner; Part 5: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification for the network

Norma vydána dne 2.11.1999

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ETSI EN 301003-5-V1.2.1

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN); Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2) protocol; Connection characteristics; Peak cell rate modification by the connection owner; Part 5: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification for the network

Norma vydána dne 2.10.2000

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ETSI EN 301003-6-V1.1.3

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN); Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2) protocol; Connection characteristics; Peak cell rate modification by the connection owner; Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for the network

Norma vydána dne 25.11.1999

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ETSI EN 301003-6-V1.2.1

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN); Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2) protocol; Connection characteristics; Peak cell rate modification by the connection owner; Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for the network

Norma vydána dne 2.10.2000

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ETSI EN 301004-1-V1.1.3

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN); Signalling System No.7; Message Transfer Part (MTP) level 3 functions and messages to support international interconnection; Part 1: Protocol specification [ITU-T Recommendation Q.2210 (1996), modified]

Norma vydána dne 28.2.1998

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ETSI EN 301004-2-V1.1.2

Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN); Signalling System No.7; Message Transfer Part (MTP) level 3 functions and messages to support international interconnection; Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification

Norma vydána dne 4.1.2000

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ETSI EN 301005-1-V1.1.4

V interfaces at the digital Service Node (SN); Interfaces at the VB5.1 reference point for the support of broadband or combined narrowband and broadband Access Networks (ANs); Part 1: Interface specification

Norma vydána dne 15.5.1998

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2 212.80

ETSI EN 301005-2-V1.1.5

V interfaces at the digital Service Node (SN); Interfaces at the VB5.1 reference point for the support of broadband or combined narrowband and broadband Access Networks (ANs); Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification

Norma vydána dne 30.9.1998

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ETSI EN 301005-3-V1.1.2

V interfaces at the digital Service Node (SN); Interfaces at the VB5.1 reference point for the support of broadband or combined narrowband and broadband Access Networks (ANs); Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification

Norma vydána dne 29.5.2000

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2 212.80

ETSI EN 301005-4-V1.1.2

V interfaces at the digital Service Node (SN); Interfaces at the VB5.1 reference point for the support of broadband or combined narrowband and broadband Access Networks (ANs); Part 4: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification

Norma vydána dne 29.5.2000

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