Publikace  ASTM Volume 15.05 - Engine Coolants and Related Fluids; Halogenated Organic Solvents and Fire Extinguishing Agents 1.8.2024 náhled

ASTM Volume 15.05 - Engine Coolants and Related Fluids; Halogenated Organic Solvents and Fire Extinguishing Agents

ASTM Volume 15.05 - Engine Coolants and Related Fluids; Halogenated Organic Solvents and Fire Extinguishing Agents

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PUBLIKACE vydána dne 1.8.2024

Dostupnostdo 7 pracovních dnů
Cena5 779.70 bez DPH
5 779.70

Informace o produktu:

Označení: ASTM Volume 15.05 - Engine Coolants and Related Fluids; Halogenated Organic Solvents and Fire Extinguishing Agents
Přibližná hmotnost: 300 g (0.66 liber)
Datum vydání: 1.8.2024
Země: Americká publikace
Kategorie: ASTM Section 15 - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products

Anotace textu normy :

This volume features the latest standards on:
Engine Coolants—standards cover the chemical and physical properties of engine coolants, dynamometer and road tests, glassware performance tests, and heavy-duty coolants. This section also includes specifications on glycol base engine coolants, recycled engine coolants, reference test materials, and simulated service tests.
Halogenated Organic Solvents and Fire Extinguishing Agents—standards cover virgin and reclaimed halogenated solvents and substitutes for ozone depleting chemicals, as well as the handling, transportation, and storage of compressed gases.
ISBN 979-8-88773-099-8


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