Publikace  ASTM Volume 15 - Complete - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products 1.11.2024 náhled

ASTM Volume 15 - Complete - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products

ASTM Volume 15 - Complete - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products

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PUBLIKACE vydána dne 1.11.2024

DostupnostIhned po vydání
Cena71 794.90 bez DPH
71 794.90

Informace o produktu:

Označení: ASTM Volume 15 - Complete - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products
Počet stran: 16639
Přibližná hmotnost: 49948 g (110.12 liber)
Datum vydání: 1.11.2024
Země: Americká publikace
Kategorie: ASTM Section 15 - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products

Anotace textu normy :

Published: Will ship as published.
This section includes Volumes 15.01 through 15.13:
ASTM Volume   15.01: Refractories, Activated Carbon; Advanced Ceramics ASTM Volume   15.02: Glass; Ceramic Whitewares ASTM Volume   15.03: Space Simulation; Aerospace And Aircraft; Composite Materials ASTM Volume   15.04: Soaps And Other Detergents; Polishes; Leather; Resilient Floor Coverings ASTM Volume   15.05: Engine Coolants And Related Fluids; Halogenated Organic Solvents And Fire Extinguishing Agents ASTM Volume   15.06: Adhesives ASTM Volume   15.07: Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces And Facilities; Pedestrian/Walkway Safety And Footwear; Amusement Rides And Devices; Snow Skiing ASTM Volume   15.08: Security Systems And Equipment; Detention And Correctional Facilities; Homeland Security Applications; Driverless Automatic Guided Industrial Vehicles; Exoskeletons And Exosuits ASTM Volume   15.09: Light Sport Aircraft; Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Aircraft Systems; General Aviation Aircraft; Aerospace Personnel; Commercial Spaceflight ASTM Volume   15.10: Packaging; Primary Barrier Packaging; Cannabis ASTM Volume   15.11: Consumer Products; Vacuum Cleaners ASTM Volume   15.12: Livestock, Meat, And Poultry Evaluation Systems; Food Service Equipment ASTM Volume   15.13: Robotics, Automation, And Autonomous Systems; Exoskeletons And Exosuits

Price for pr  int reflects the ASTM discount for purchasing an entire section. Sections must be prepaid.
ISBN 979-8-8  8773-094-3
2024 Content   (2061 Standards - 16639 Pages)


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