Publikace  ASTM Volume 14.01 - Healthcare Informatics 1.6.2024 náhled

ASTM Volume 14.01 - Healthcare Informatics

ASTM Volume 14.01 - Healthcare Informatics

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PUBLIKACE vydána dne 1.6.2024

Dostupnostdo 7 pracovních dnů
Cena18 309.90 bez DPH
18 309.90

Informace o produktu:

Označení: ASTM Volume 14.01 - Healthcare Informatics
Přibližná hmotnost: 300 g (0.66 liber)
Datum vydání: 1.6.2024
Země: Americká publikace
Kategorie: ASTM Section 14 - General Methods and Instrumentation

Anotace textu normy :

Standards cover:

– Single-use systems—guide for specification, design, verification, and application of single-use systems.
– Hazard Potential of Chemicals—covers flash point, thermal stability and instability, explosibility, and autoignition temperatures of chemicals.
– Quality and Statistics—practices and guides evaluate statistical methods, sampling and data analysis, and quality statements.
– Thermal Measurements—practices and test methods cover thermal analysis and thermophysical properties.
– Manufacture of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Products—covers the application of process analytical technology (PAT) within the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry, highlighting PAT system management, implementation, and practices.
– Healthcare Informatics—specifications and guides that address the Continuity of Care Record (CCR), transcription, documentation, transfer, management, security, and privacy of health information and the content of electronic health records. Other standards cover controlled health vocabularies for healthcare informatics and eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Document Type Definitions (DTD).
Volume 14.01 includes all standards from the following committees:

Committee E11 on Quality and Statistics
Committee E27 on Hazard Potential of Chemicals
Committee E31 on Healthcare Informatics
Committee E37 on Thermal Measurements
Committee E55 on Manufacture of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Products
ISBN 979-8-88773-090-5


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