Publikace  ASTM Volume 03.01 - Metals - Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low - Temperature Tests; Metallography 1.7.2023 náhled

ASTM Volume 03.01 - Metals - Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low - Temperature Tests; Metallography

ASTM Volume 03.01 - Metals - Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low - Temperature Tests; Metallography

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PUBLIKACE vydána dne 1.7.2023

Dostupnostdo 7 pracovních dnů
Cena10 430.60 bez DPH
10 430.60

Informace o produktu:

Označení: ASTM Volume 03.01 - Metals - Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low - Temperature Tests; Metallography
Přibližná hmotnost: 300 g (0.66 liber)
Datum vydání: 1.7.2023
Země: Americká publikace
Kategorie: ASTM Section 03 - Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures

Anotace textu normy :

Volume 03.01 covers tests and practices for mechanical testing procedures, including: machine calibration, bend and flexure testing, compression, ductility, formability, elastic properties, impact, linear thermal expansion, shear, torsion, residual stress, tension testing, structural films for MEMS, and electronic applications. Other standards cover fatigue and fracture testing of materials, including crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), fracture toughness measurement, and linear elastic plane-strain fracture toughness of metallic materials. Also featured are metallography tests and practices that define standard optical, electron, and X-ray procedures for determining the constituents and structure of metals and alloys.
ISBN 978-1-6822-1923-2


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