Publikace  ASTM Volume 01.01 - Steel - Piping, Tubing, Fittings 1.1.2022 náhled

ASTM Volume 01.01 - Steel - Piping, Tubing, Fittings

ASTM Volume 01.01 - Steel - Piping, Tubing, Fittings

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PUBLIKACE vydána dne 1.1.2022


Informace o produktu:

Označení: ASTM Volume 01.01 - Steel - Piping, Tubing, Fittings
Přibližná hmotnost: 300 g (0.66 liber)
Datum vydání: 1.1.2022
Země: Americká publikace

Anotace textu normy :

Featuring standards for steel pipe that requires high-temperature service, ordinary use, and other special applications, included are specifications on steel tubes for boiler and superheater tubes, general service tubes, still tubes in refinery service, heat exchanger and condenser tubes, mechanical tubing, and structural tubing. Steel casting specifications address standard properties for valves, flanges, fittings, and other pressure containing parts for high-temperature and low-temperature service.
ISBN 978-1-6822-1806-8


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