Norma SAE AIR975B 1.2.2020 náhled


Maintenance of Pitot-Static Systems of Transport Aircraft

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NORMA vydána dne 1.2.2020

Cena2 933.80 bez DPH
2 933.80

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: SAE AIR975B
Datum vydání normy: 1.2.2020
Kód zboží: NS-984004
Země: Americká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy SAE

Anotace textu normy SAE AIR975B :

In efforts to increase the accuracy and reliability of altimetry, speed measurement and other aspects of air data, a great deal of attention and money have been expended on new and refined pressure transducing and computing systems and on the standards by which they are calibrated. So much progress has been made in this that the limiting factor is, or may soon be, the sensing and transmitting in the aircraft of the pressures to be transduced. Until the appearance of References 1-13 and 18 there was little guidance available on the maintenance of pitot and static systems. This report presents what information is available, suggests limits, and lists the principal original papers on the subject.

SUBFILE: Aerospace
TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Aerospace Standard

Stabilized: Feb 2020 SAE - Standards Status Definitions

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