Norma SAE AIR6515A 1.2.2024 náhled


Unmanned Systems (UxS) Control Segment (UCS) Architecture: EA Version of UCS ICD Model

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Informace o normě:

Označení normy: SAE AIR6515A
Datum vydání normy: 1.2.2024
Kód zboží: NS-1167622
Země: Americká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy SAE

Anotace textu normy SAE AIR6515A :

This User Guide describes the content of the Enterprise Architect (EA) version of the UCS Architectural Model and how to use this model within the EA modeling tool environment.

The purpose of the EA version of the UCS Architectural Interface Control Document (ICD) model is to provide a working model for Enterprise Architect tool users and to serve as the source model for the Rational Software Architect (RSA) and Rhapsody models (AIR6516 and AIR6517).

The AIR6515 EA Model has been validated to contain the same content as the AS6518 model for:

all UCS ICD interfaces

all UCS ICD messages

all UCS ICD data directly or indirectly referenced by ICD messages and interfaces

the Domain Participant, Information, Service, and Non-Functional Properties Models

SUBFILE: Aerospace
TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Aerospace Standard

Stabilized: Feb 2024 SAE - Standards Status Definitions


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