Norma SAE AIR5699A 1.7.2022 náhled


A Guide for the Damaging Effects of Tire and Wheel Failures

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NORMA vydána dne 1.7.2022

Cena2 742.90 bez DPH
2 742.90

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: SAE AIR5699A
Datum vydání normy: 1.7.2022
Kód zboží: NS-1066922
Země: Americká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy SAE

Anotace textu normy SAE AIR5699A :

Consideration for the damaging effects to aircraft from the failure of wheels and tires should be evaluated. This document discusses the types of problems in-service aircraft have experienced and methodology in place to assist the designers when evaluating threats for new aircraft design. The purpose of this document is to provide a history of in-service problems, provide a historical summary of the design improvements made to wheels and tires during the past 40 years, and to offer methodology which has been used to help designers assess the threat to ensure the functionality of systems and equipment located in and around the landing gear and in wheel wells.

SUBFILE: Aerospace
TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Aerospace Standard


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