Norma SAE AIR5024A 1.7.2022 náhled


Landing Gear Switch Selection Criteria

Přeložit název

NORMA vydána dne 1.7.2022

Cena2 111.70 bez DPH
2 111.70

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: SAE AIR5024A
Datum vydání normy: 1.7.2022
Kód zboží: NS-1066921
Země: Americká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy SAE

Anotace textu normy SAE AIR5024A :

The scope of this document is to discuss the differences between electromechanical and proximity position sensing devices (sensor or switch) when used on landing gear. It also contains information which may be helpful when applying either type of technology after the selection has been made. The purpose is to help the designer make better choices when selecting a position-sensing device. Once that choice has been made, this document includes information to improve the reliability of new or current designs. It is not intended to replace recommendations from sensor manufacturers or actual experience, but to provide a set of general guidelines based on historic infromation of what is being used.

SUBFILE: Aerospace
TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Aerospace Standard


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