Norma ISO 10303-216:2003 17.7.2003 náhled

ISO 10303-216:2003

Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 216: Application protocol: Ship moulded forms

Automaticky přeložený název:

Automatizované průmyslové systémy a integrace - Prezentace dat o výrobku a jejich výměna - Část 216: Protokol aplikace: Lodní výlisky

NORMA vydána dne 17.7.2003

Cena6 926.90 bez DPH
6 926.90

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: ISO 10303-216:2003
Datum vydání normy: 17.7.2003
Kód zboží: NS-421811
Počet stran: 947
Přibližná hmotnost: 2872 g (6.33 liber)
Země: Mezinárodní technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy ISO

Kategorie - podobné normy:

Měření a řízení průmyslových procesů

Anotace textu normy ISO 10303-216:2003 :

Description / Abstract: ISO 10303-216:2003 specifies the scope and information requirements for the exchange of ship moulded form definitions, geometric representations, and related hydrostatic properties. The following are within the scope of ISO 10303-216:2003: definition of moulded form geometry related to commercial and naval ships;definition of moulded form geometry of the preliminary design, detailed design, and production stages of the life cycle of a ship;definition of moulded form geometry that describe the hull moulded form of the ship, including mono hullforms, multi-hullforms, the bulbous bow, transom stern, thruster tunnels, and additional appendages;definition of moulded form geometry that describe the moulded form of propellers and rudders;definition of moulded geometry that describe the moulded form of decks including camber and sheer;definition of moulded geometry of internal ship compartment boundaries and the moulded form geometry of ship structural and non-structural elements;definition of general characteristics;definition of design parameters for the ship hull, bulbous bow, propeller, rudder, and appendages that are necessary to describe the moulded form, and are required to calculate hydrostatic properties;definition of hydrostatic properties of the ship moulded form that depend on the draught of the ship;definition of global and local co-ordinate systems and spacing tables used in naval architecture for position purposes;shape definition of ship moulded forms that use one of the following specified types of geometric representation:geometric representations containing geometric elements used in naval architecture;version control and approval of moulded forms and related hydrostatics. The following are outside the scope of ISO 10303-216:2003: product definition data related to hull plating defined on the moulded form;product definition data related to ship compartmentation and ship arrangements;product definition data related to ship structures and ship assemblies;product definition data related to ship machinery and ship superstructures;mechanical systems and material aspects of propellers, rudders and control surfaces;product definition data from the decommissioning stage of the ship life cycle;hydromechanic properties of the ship;damage stability properties of ships;ship longitudinal strength.

K této normě náleží tyto opravy:

ISO 10303-216:2003/Cor1:2008 Oprava

Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 216: Application protocol: Ship moulded forms — Technical Corrigendum 1
(Systemes d´automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation et échange de données de produits — Partie 216: Protocole d´application: Formes moulées de navires — Rectificatif technique 1)

Oprava vydána dne 14.2.2008

Vybrané provedení:

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