Norma IEC 62841-3-7-ed.1.0 11.6.2020 náhled

IEC 62841-3-7-ed.1.0

Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 3-7: Particular requirements for transportable wall saws

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NORMA vydána dne 11.6.2020

Cena6 072.30 bez DPH
6 072.30

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: IEC 62841-3-7-ed.1.0
Datum vydání normy: 11.6.2020
Kód zboží: NS-995163
Počet stran: 58
Přibližná hmotnost: 174 g (0.38 liber)
Země: Mezinárodní technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy IEC

Kategorie - podobné normy:

Elektrická nářadí

Anotace textu normy IEC 62841-3-7-ed.1.0 :

IEC 62841-3-7:2020 This document applies to transportable wall saws guided by a track guiding system intended for dry cutting or to be connected to a liquid system for cutting concrete, stone or similar material by means of a diamond wheel. The rated speed of the diamond wheel does not exceed a peripheral speed of 100 m/s at rated capacity. The rated voltage is not more than 250 V for single-phase a.c. or d.c. tools, and 480 V for three-phase a.c. tools. This document does not apply to transportable wall saws that are intended to be left unattended while performing an operation. This document does not apply to transportable wall saws that employ hydraulic systems. This document does not apply to hand-held cut-off machines. IEC 62841-3-7:2020 Le present document sapplique aux scies murales portables guidees par un systeme de guidage de piste, destinees a couper a sec ou a etre raccordees a un systeme liquide pour couper du beton, de la pierre ou un materiau similaire au moyen dune meule diamant. La vitesse assignee de la meule diamant ne depasse pas une vitesse peripherique de 100 m/s a la capacite assignee. La tension assignee est inferieure a 250 V pour les outils a courant monophase alternatif ou continu, et inferieure a 480 V pour les outils a courant alternatif triphase. Le present document ne s’applique pas aux scies murales portables qui sont destinees a etre laissees sans surveillance pendant l’execution d’une manouvre. Le present document ne s’applique pas aux scies murales portables qui utilisent des systemes hydrauliques. Le present document ne sapplique pas aux machines a tronconner portatives.


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