Norma IEC 62386-104-ed.1.0 20.5.2019 náhled

IEC 62386-104-ed.1.0

Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 104: General requirements - Wireless and alternative wired system components

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NORMA vydána dne 20.5.2019

Cena9 586.80 bez DPH
9 586.80

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: IEC 62386-104-ed.1.0
Datum vydání normy: 20.5.2019
Kód zboží: NS-950892
Počet stran: 104
Přibližná hmotnost: 343 g (0.76 liber)
Země: Mezinárodní technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy IEC

Anotace textu normy IEC 62386-104-ed.1.0 :

IEC 62386-104:2019 The IEC 62386 series specifies a bus system for control by digital signals of electronic lighting equipment. This part of IEC 62386 applies to a system with wireless or alternative wired communication between its units, instead of a wired bus system, where the meaning of “wireless or alternative wired communication”, or in short “telecommunication”, is any type of communication network different from the wired system described in IEC 62386-101. Where the electronic lighting equipment is covered by the scope of IEC 61347 (all parts), it is in line with the requirements of IEC 61347 (all parts), with the addition of DC supplies. IEC 62386-104:2019 La serie IEC 62386 specifie un reseau de bus pour la commande par des signaux numeriques des appareils declairage electroniques. La presente partie de lIEC 62386 sapplique a un systeme equipe dune communication sans fil ou filaire alternative entre ses unites, plutot qua un reseau de bus filaire, ou la signification de "communication sans fil ou filaire alternative", abregee en "telecommunication", se refere a tout type de reseau de communication autre que le reseau filaire decrit dans lIEC 62386-101. Lorsque les appareils declairage electroniques relevent du domaine dapplication de lIEC 61347 (toutes les parties), ils sont conformes aux exigences de lIEC 61347 (toutes les parties) par lajout dalimentations en courant continu.

K této normě náleží tyto změny:

IEC 62386-104-ed.1.0/Amd.1 Změna

Amendment 1 - Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 104: General requirements - Wireless and alternative wired system components
(Amendement 1 - Interface d´eclairage adressable numerique - Partie 104 : Exigences generales - Composants de systeme a connexion alternative ou sans fil)

Změna vydána dne 13.12.2023

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