ČSN EN 15725 (730866)

Rozšířená aplikace výsledků zkoušek požárních vlastností stavebních výrobků a konstrukcí staveb: Zásady zpracování EXAP norem a EXAP protokolů (Norma k přímému použití jako ČSN).

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NORMA vydána dne 1.6.2023

Cena350.00 bez DPH

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: ČSN EN 15725
Třídící znak: 730866
Katalogové číslo: 517287
Datum vydání normy: 1.6.2023
Kód zboží: NS-1144494
Počet stran: 32
Přibližná hmotnost: 96 g (0.21 liber)
Země: Česká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy ČSN

Anotace textu normy ČSN EN 15725 (730866):

This document gives the procedures for preparing standards and reports following the extended application (EXAP) process using the results of reaction to fire tests, fire resistance tests (including other performance characteristics e.g. smoke leakage/control and/or durability of self-closing), and external fire exposure to roof tests undertaken for fire classification of products and product families in accordance with the various parts of EN 13501. EXAP rules limit the number of tests required by implementing methods to determine the fire classification of a range of products (e.g. range of product, larger dimensions etc.) and EXAP rules form a standardized technical agreement on the parameter changes. The fundamental concept of EXAP is the development of safe methods that provide extensions to the scope of the tested product while maintaining the required classification for the product. Test reports constitute the basis of an EXAP report. This document makes reference to ´extended application standards´ throughout; wherever this term is used it refers to either a standard prepared by CEN/TC 127 ´Fire safety in buildings´ or the relevant product standard which includes information on extended application. The European system currently permits extended application rules to be included in technical specifications. CEN Technical Committees and EOTA Working groups producing these rules are asked to seek the guidance of CEN/TC 127 to ensure that their rules comply with standards prepared by CEN/TC 127. In cases where extended application rules in harmonized EN product standards and ETAs do not comply with standards prepared by CEN/TC 127 the CEN BT are informed. This document does not cover the incorporation of the product into the construction works that is justified by national rules. Expert judgements (i.e. an opinion that is not considered/covered by an EXAP standard and only based on the experience of one individual) do not form part of this process


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