Norma API REPORT 9A-ed.1976 1.3.1976 náhled

API REPORT 9A-ed.1976

AXCOL 3: A Program for Discrete-Element Solution of Axially Loaded Members with Linear or Nonlinear Supports

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NORMA vydána dne 1.3.1976

Cena2 546.70 bez DPH
2 546.70

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: API REPORT 9A-ed.1976
Datum vydání normy: 1.3.1976
Kód zboží: NS-1139922
Počet stran: 73
Přibližná hmotnost: 219 g (0.48 liber)
Země: Americká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy API

Anotace textu normy API REPORT 9A-ed.1976 :

API REPORT 9A, 1976 Edition, March 5, 1976 - AXCOL 3: A Program for Discrete-Element Solution of Axially Loaded Members with Linear or Nonlinear Supports


A computer program, AXCOL 3, has been written primarily for analysis of axially loaded foundation piles with nonlinear soil support. Other structural members may also be treated. The program described in this report is a part of the results of a research program on axially loaded piles sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute at The University of Texas at Austin. The other part of the program involves laboratory experiments on axially loaded piles and is covered in a separate report (Ref 1).

AXCOL 3 utilizes a very simple discrete-element mechanical analogy of the real system. The use of this model allows considerable flexibility in problem description. Loads, stiffnesses, linear and nonlinear supports and specified displacements may be varied freely along the member. The program is meant to be only a convenient tool for analysis and design; the user provides all design criteria needed in preparation of the problem description.

The computer program was written by Patrick L. Meyer from an existing computer program for lateral bending (BMCOL 28, Ref 2).

The program is believed to be free of errors and programming defects. However, if any program error is found the writers would appreciate being advised as soon as possible.


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