Norma API RPT-6-ed.1 1.1.2013 náhled

API RPT-6-ed.1

Recommended Practice for Training and Qualification of Personnel in Well Control Equipment and Techniques for Wireline Operations on Offshore Locations

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NORMA vydána dne 1.1.2013

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1 896.50

Informace o normě:

Označení normy: API RPT-6-ed.1
Datum vydání normy: 1.1.2013
Kód zboží: NS-1139389
Počet stran: 14
Přibližná hmotnost: 42 g (0.09 liber)
Země: Americká technická norma
Kategorie: Technické normy API

Anotace textu normy API RPT-6-ed.1 :

API RP T-6, 1st Edition, October 2002 - Recommended Practice for Training and Qualification of Personnel in Well Control Equipment and Techniques for Wireline Operations on Offshore Locations


This Recommended Practice (RP) provides criteria for the qualification of wireline personnel in well control equipment operations and techniques. Although it does include recommendations for training wireline personnel on general rig well control equipment and theory, it should be noted that the main focus for training should be those operations using a lubricator as the primary well control mechanism. Wireline personnel classifications to which this RP is applicable are the Helper/ Assistant and Operator/Supervisor. This RP is intended for the development of training courses with well-defined curricula and includes recommendations for testing to assure that a candidate is qualified when he/she completes a course.

The employer should maintain a record of the training which each employee receives in accordance with this RP. Each employee should be furnished documentation of the successful completion of each level of training.


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